
Showing posts from November, 2010
IMPACT OF CADRE RESTRUCTURING IN CBEC  FOR THE ZONE Date:- 16.11.2010 Dear Members, It is hoped that by now many of you would have gone through the Cadre restructuring proposal and got a fair idea as to what is in store for the cadre. After an intial analysis, the likely overall implications have been worked out and are placed below for information for those members who are yet to get hold of a copy. It is difficult to explain the magnitude of change that is likely to take place in the blog. However an attempt is being made. For details kindly refer to the original proposal. The staffing norms adopted in the cadre restructuring proposal for various formations are as under:- After application of the above norms and the number of new formations proposed, the net effect would be as under:- By adopting the same norms the likely Sanctioned strength for the Karnataka Zone (Central Excise, Service Tax & Customs) would be as under:- In the above calculations the position regardi...
NOTICE OF EMERGENCY MEETING Date:- 12.11.2010 Dear Members, While thanking you all for your participation and support in the Annual General Body Meeting held on 08.11.2010, I would like to inform you all that I had participated in the meeting chaired by the Member (P&V), on 10.11.2010, regarding cadre restructuring, representing the All India Association. Consequent to the said meeting a copy of the cadre restructuring proposal has been provided to all the recognised associations, seeking the comments and views on the proposal. Copy of the said proposals have been sent to all the members, whose email ids are available with the Association. Members desirous of having copies may kindly download it from the link provided below. The Association has been requested to furnish its views/suggestions on the propo...


AGENDA OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL BODY MEETING Bangalore. Date:- 01.11.2010 Dear Members, Kindly refer to Association's circular dated 14.10.2010, regarding the convening of Annual General Body Meeting of our Association, scheduled for 08.11.10.  In this regard, the agenda of the meeting is fixed as under:- 1. Invocation 2. Welcome Speech 3. Report on the achievements of the Association and future challenges 4. Presentation of the Annual Audited Accounts of the Association 5. Nomination/Election of new office bearers, if any. 6. Address by Shri. Thomas Mony, Secretary General, AICESTMOA 7. Interaction of the Secretary General with the Members 8. Vote of Thanks 9.Refreshments. All Members are requested to participate in the said meeting and contribute to its growth and success in all endeavors. Yours sincerely, Sd/- (M.CHOKKALINGAM) GENERAL SECRETARY All Comments/correspondences may be addressed to