Reminder to Chief Commissioner and the JCM Points


Dear Members,

This is to inform all the members of this Association that the regional JCM is scheduled to be held on 26.05.2010. The association is in receipt of a letter calling for submission of points for discussion in the JCM. Since nothing positive emerged out of the memorandum dated 30.04.2010, submitted to the Chief Commissioner seeking early promotions, it was felt necessary to submit an reminder on the subject. A copy of the reminder and the points submitted for discussion in the ensuing JCM is placed on the blog for information of the members.

Yours sincerely,
General Secretary.


Ref No.PROM/02/2010
Date:- 20.05.2010

The Honourable Chief Commissioner &
The Cadre Controlling Authority,
Central Excise & Customs,
Bangalore Zone, Bangalore.

Respected Sir,

Sub:- Inordinate Delay in promotions – in the Ministerial cadre – reg.
* * * *

Kind reference is invited to this Association’s letter dated 30.04.2010, on the above subject, which is self-explanatory (copy enclosed for ready reference).

2. This Association had sought an opportunity to personally meet and explain the grievances of the members of the Ministerial cadre, which has not been granted by the Cadre controlling authority till date. The details of vacancy position in various grades as on 01.05.2010 is as under:-

Post -SS- WS- Vac- Percentage of vacancy
DOS -110- 55- 55- 50%
STA- 168- 94- 74- 44%
TA - 218 -  109 -  109 - 50%

Under these circumstances, this association with no other alternative, wish to once again bring to your kind notice, the following points for consideration and appropriate orders:-

(i) That the administration has not acceded to the request of the association to consider the case of all the eligible Officers for promotion to the grade of DOS for the past many years, despite the fact that 50% of the sanctioned posts remain vacant. On this particular issue, this Association had vide the above referred letter requested to consider the request for promotion on priority i.e., on or before 14.05.2010, in view of the fact that a few eligible Officers are due to retire on superannuation on 31.05.2010. It is regretful that, no efforts appear to have been taken in this regard. At the cost of repetition, it is stated that any promotion granted to an Officer after his retirement will not benefit him in any manner. Therefore, the eligible Officer will retire on superannuation in the lower grade with a huge disappointment, knowing fully well that he has been denied his rightful promotion by the administration for no fault of his, which he had dutifully served all these years. Therefore, it is once again requested that orders of promotion to the grade of DOS be issued on or before 25.05.2010.

(ii) The fact that promotions from the grade of TA to STA in respect of eligible Officers is delayed, was brought to your notice vide the above referred letter. When more than 44% of the sanctioned posts in the promotional cadre of STA remain vacant, the delay in issuing orders of promotions is inexplicable. These Officers are already bearing the brunt of the additional work load which is caused due to these vacancies. Timely promotions will at least boost the morale of these Officers, who might be in a position to put in greater effort and complete their task with more zeal and enthusiasm. Therefore, it is requested to issue necessary orders of promotion from the grade of TA to STA, without any further delay.

(iii) The LDCs who were granted notional promotion w.e.f 20.09.02, have already suffered monetary loss due to the enormous delay in granting them their due promotion from the eligible date. As per the Board’s directions, these Officers are to be further redesignated/ promoted to the grade of Tax Assistants, with effect from the date of their passing the departmental examination, without any relation to the vacancies in the grade, as a part of the process of 2002-Cadre restructuring. However, even when there are huge number of posts lying vacant, this benefit has not been extended to them till date. It is therefore requested to issue necessary orders of promotion from LDC to TA accordingly.

3. Finally, this Association wishes to reiterate its earlier request for an audience with the cadre controlling authority, to personally explain these grievances. Hoping that this request will be acceded to and given due consideration, we remain.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,



* * * * *


Date:- 20.05.2010

The Additional Commissioner (P&V),
Central Excise, Bangalore –I,


Sub:- Holding of JCM Meeting with representatives of recognized
Associations –submission of points- reg.
* * * *

Please refer your Office letter C.No.II/39/154/2008.Estt.‘B’ dated 18.05.2010 calling for submission of points for discussion in the ensuing JCM meeting scheduled for 26.05.2010. In this regard, the following points are submitted for discussion in the meeting.

I. Delay in promotions:-

The promotions from the grade of LDC to TA, TA to STA, STA to DOS/ Inspector are all delayed, because of the review of promotions to the grade of Inspector granted during the Year 2002-03/2003-04. Apart from the monetary loss to the Officers on account of delay in promotions, they are also losing the crucial qualifying service for promotion to the next grade. Not only that, those Officers on verge of retirement are facing the risk of receiving lesser pensionary benefits due to their non-promotion.

II. Issue of Seniority Lists for all Grades with vacancy position:-

As per the DOPT instructions, the seniority list has to be issued in respect of all grades annually, indicating the number of sanctioned posts, working strength and the vacancies. The same is not being done at present. Due to this the Officers are facing various difficulties.

III. Model Calendar for DPCs to be followed:-

A few vacancies are likely to arise in the grade of Administrative Officer consequent to retirement of Officers on superannuation. Till date the DPC has not been held to fill up these vacancies, which is against the instructions issued by the DOPT. Any stagnation in the promotion to the higher grade will have a cascading effect on promotions in the lower grade of the hierarchy.

IV. Rotation of Ministerial Staff within the Commissionerate:-

As per the Board’s instructions Ministerial Officers should be rotated at periodical intervals, between sections, within the same station/Commissionerate. However, there are instances where the Officers have completed more than 10 years in the same section without any change, even after getting one or two promotions. Non-rotation of Officers, make them uni-dimensional and denies them the opportunity to expand their scope and knowledge in other areas of work and deprives other Officers to work in that particular section where a person continues to remain unchanged. Therefore, it is requested that rotation of Ministerial Officers may be done at least once in two or three years, without disturbing the continuity of Officers in the sections.

V. The composition and functioning of the JCM:-

On going through the minutes of the earlier JCM (dated 12.03.09), it is seen that there is no representation from Commissionerates other than Bangalore –I on the Official side. When the JCM is headed by the Chief Commissioner, then it is felt necessary that the Official side should be represented by the Officers from all the other Commissionerates in the Zone. Since, the present JCM is being headed by the Chief Commissioner, the representatives of other Commissionerates may also be included as members of the Official side so that issues concerning all the Commissionerates could be taken up for discussion at once.

2. It is requested that these points may be taken on record and the Agenda of the JCM Meeting be circulated before the meeting, along with the comments of the administration on the points raised hereinabove and the points that may be submitted by the other Associations.

Thanking You,

Yours faithfully,


All Comments/correspondences may be addressed to


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