Date:- 13.09.2010

The Additional Commissioner (P&V),
Central Excise, Bangalore –I,

Sub:- Holding of JCM Meeting with representatives of recognized
Associations –submission of points- reg.
* * * *

         Please refer to Office letter C.No.II/39/154/2008.Estt. ‘B’ dated 08.09.2010, calling for submission of points for discussion in the ensuing JCM meeting scheduled for 15.09.2010.

         In this regard, this Association wishes to express its sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Department for implementing many of the assurances given in the last JCM and also convening another meeting of the JCM. As desired, the following points are submitted by this Association for discussion in the ensuing JCM meeting:-

I. Promotions to the grade of Inspector:-

         The promotions to the grade of LDC to TA, TA to STA and STA to DOS were completed. However, the promotion to the grade of STA to Inspector is yet to be completed. The promotion granted during the Year 2002-03/2003-04, under review due to some administrative reasons and court orders are yet to be completed, due to which the said promotions are held up. It is requested that the same may kindly be completed expeditiously, before the ensuing cadre restructuring of the Department.

II. Issue of Seniority Lists for all Grades with vacancy position:-

          As per the DOPT instructions, the seniority list has to be issued in respect of all grades annually, indicating the number of sanctioned posts, working strength and the vacancies. The Seniority list in respect of Tax Assistants has been issued as per the assurance given in the last JCM meeting. However, Seniority lists for STA, DOS, AO & Inspector are yet to be issued, which may kindly be expedited.

III. Rotation of Ministerial Staff within/between Commissionerates:-

           As per the Board’s instructions Ministerial Officers should be rotated at least once in 4 years, between sections, within the same station/ Commissionerate. However, there are instances where the Officers have completed more than 10 years in a particular section without any change, even after getting one or more promotions. Non-rotation of Officers, make them uni-dimensional and denies them the opportunity to expand their scope and knowledge in other areas of work. This point was discussed during the last JCM wherein a list of Officers, who have completed more than 4 years in a section in various Commissionerates, was submitted for consideration. Though it was assured that the same will be looked into, it is submitted that the same has not been considered as yet. It is once again requested to consider the same immediately.

IV. Posting of Ministerial Staff among and within Commissionerate:-

            The issue of non-posting of Ministerial Officers for administrative/ Accounts and Establishment sections of LTU was brought to the notice of the Administration. However, the concerns raised therein still persists, as most of the Officers of Ministerial cadre posted to the LTU have been diverted and posted to Technical sections overlooking the necessity of the Ministerial oriented sections. In this regard, it is submitted that since large number of posts in the Ministerial cadre are reported vacant (50% of the total strength of all cadres in the entire Zone), priority may be given to posting of Ministerial Officers in Administrative sections only. Further, in order to overcome this problem, it is suggested that the postings to other sections i.e., non-Administrative Sections may be minimized and Ministerial Officers be posted to only those sections where it is considered as compulsory and unavoidable.

            Severe shortage of Officers in Ministerial cadre has been reported from the Division/ Hqrs., Office of Bangalore –III Commissionerate, due to which the existing Ministerial Officers are over-burdened compared to their counterparts in other Commissionerates. The situation may kindly be reviewed and the staff strength vis-a-vis vacancies may kindly be distributed proportionately among all Commissionerates, so that the hardships of the existing Officers in a particular Commissionerate can be minimized.

V. Training/ Workshop for New Recruits/Officers of Ministerial cadre:-

             As brought out above, the shortage of Ministerial cadre has led to over-burdening of work over the existing staff strength. Therefore, the periodical training/workshops which were earlier held for the Ministerial Officers are not being held. Further, the appointment of Direct Recruits to the sections without any basic training and knowledge of functioning of the department is taking a toll on their supervisory Officers/ Colleagues as they have to be trained on the job directly, which is time-consuming and very difficult in the present circumstances. Therefore, it is requested that a Training programme /workshop may be arranged to these Officers at the Headquarters Office for imparting basic training to these Direct Recruits and new promotees.

             It is requested that these points may be taken on record and the Agenda of the JCM Meeting be circulated well in advance, along with the comments of the department on the points raised by this Association and that of the other Associations.

           Thanking You,
Yours faithfully,


All Comments/correspondences may be addressed to karccemoa@gmail.com


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