Date:- 08.12.2010
Dear Members,
The Minutes of the Annual General Body Meeting of the Association held on 08.11.2010 is placed below for information. As many of you would be aware, subsequent to the General Body meeting another meeting of the members was also convened on 18.11.2010, to discuss and finalise the response of the Association on the Cadre restructuring proposal, which was provided by the Board. Apart from the above, I had also attended the meeting of the Departmental Anomaly Committee held on 23.11.2010 in the capacity as the Assistant Secretary General of the All India Association. The details of the deliberations that had taken place in the said meeting, Copy of the Cadre review proposal and the response submitted by the All India Association were circulated among the Members, which are now available on the blog of the All India Association (www.aiccemof.blogspot.com). Therefore, the same is not being updated here. Members are requested to kindly visit the said blog for more updates and information on the issue and other related matters.
Awaiting your feedback and responses.
Yours sincerely,
M. Chokkalingam,
General Secretary
The Annual General Body Meeting of the Karnataka Customs, Central Excise, Service Tax and LTU Ministerial Officers’ Association was held on 08.11.2010 as notified. Smt. T.V. Rajalakshmi, President of the Association presided over the meeting and welcomed the gathering. Shri. Thomas Mony, Secretary General, All India Central Excise & Service Tax Ministerial Officers’ Association, Pune, was the Chief Guest for the meeting.
2. In her welcome Address, the President highlighted the various issues that were taken up by the leaders of the Association and listed the outcome of such efforts that were pursued with the Administration at local level during the course of the last one Year. The efforts include among other the following:-
2. In her welcome Address, the President highlighted the various issues that were taken up by the leaders of the Association and listed the outcome of such efforts that were pursued with the Administration at local level during the course of the last one Year. The efforts include among other the following:-
(i) Revival of the Association in the entire Karnataka Zone
(ii) Opening of Account for the Association and transfer of balance funds from the erstwhile Association.
(iii) Affiliation of the Association granted by the All India Association and consequently recognition of the Ministry granted to the All India Association as well.
(iv) Participation in the JCM after receipt of recognition
(v) Implementation of the AGT policy in the matter of transfer of AOs
(vi) Holding of DPCs for promotion to the grade of AO, DOS, STA & TA.
(vii) Issue of seniority lists for various cadres.
(viii) Approach of the Association to the All India matters
(ix) Appointment of Auditors for auditing the Accounts of the Association
3. The president acknowledged and thanked the Officers particularly the members in the Establishment Section, whose supportive role had helped the Association in achieving the above objectives. The Association’s position vis-à-vis the other pending issues related to the cadre was also explained and it was assured that these issues will be pursued and taken to its logical end. Thereafter Shri. U. Manjunath Holla, Treasurer of the Association presented the Audited statement of Accounts.
4. Chief Guest for the meeting, Shri.Thomas Mony, addressed the gathering. In his address he referred to the active role played by the Karnataka Unit in enrolment of members which was crucial to the All India Association getting its recognition. He was happy that the promotions at the Zonal level have been going on and no complaints remain after the revival of the Association. He referred to the case of Smt. Lalitha, AO, who along with other Officers had filed a case in the CAT and got a favourable verdict, against the adverse order of the Ministry, in not granting the promotional benefits on promotion from the Grade of OS to AO and appreciated the efforts of these Members in the larger context.
5. He stressed the need for the entire Ministerial cadre to remain united in the wake of the prevailing adverse working conditions and particularly the ill treatment meted out to the Ministerial cadre, consequent to the implementation of the Sixth Pay Commission and other related developments. He also stated that though the Cadre review of CBEC is in an advance stage there is no clarity available as on date. He said a proposal to form a Joint Action Committee in consultation with the other Associations is under consideration. Further, he informed that the Association is in receipt of the notice of meeting of the Departmental Anomaly Committee (Ministry of Finance), which is scheduled on 23.11.2010 and stated that the issues relating to our cadre has already been submitted to the Chairman and expressed hope that they would be taken up for discussion. He further referred to the letter received from the DG, HRD calling upon the Associations to give proposals for formulation of Long Term Human Resource Development Plan and sought inputs from the Members on the same. Once again he emphasized the need to remain united and sought the co-operation and support of the Members in the organizational programme of the All India Association for the welfare of the entire Ministerial Cadre.
6. At the end of his address, he fielded questions from the Members present. The queries relating to the All India matters were answered by him, while the queries relating to the local issues were responded by the General Secretary, Shri. M. Chokkalingam. The existing Office bearers were nominated to continue to function in the respective posts and consequently there have been no changes in the present set up. The meeting then concluded with a vote of thanks presented by the General Secretary.
4. Chief Guest for the meeting, Shri.Thomas Mony, addressed the gathering. In his address he referred to the active role played by the Karnataka Unit in enrolment of members which was crucial to the All India Association getting its recognition. He was happy that the promotions at the Zonal level have been going on and no complaints remain after the revival of the Association. He referred to the case of Smt. Lalitha, AO, who along with other Officers had filed a case in the CAT and got a favourable verdict, against the adverse order of the Ministry, in not granting the promotional benefits on promotion from the Grade of OS to AO and appreciated the efforts of these Members in the larger context.
5. He stressed the need for the entire Ministerial cadre to remain united in the wake of the prevailing adverse working conditions and particularly the ill treatment meted out to the Ministerial cadre, consequent to the implementation of the Sixth Pay Commission and other related developments. He also stated that though the Cadre review of CBEC is in an advance stage there is no clarity available as on date. He said a proposal to form a Joint Action Committee in consultation with the other Associations is under consideration. Further, he informed that the Association is in receipt of the notice of meeting of the Departmental Anomaly Committee (Ministry of Finance), which is scheduled on 23.11.2010 and stated that the issues relating to our cadre has already been submitted to the Chairman and expressed hope that they would be taken up for discussion. He further referred to the letter received from the DG, HRD calling upon the Associations to give proposals for formulation of Long Term Human Resource Development Plan and sought inputs from the Members on the same. Once again he emphasized the need to remain united and sought the co-operation and support of the Members in the organizational programme of the All India Association for the welfare of the entire Ministerial Cadre.
6. At the end of his address, he fielded questions from the Members present. The queries relating to the All India matters were answered by him, while the queries relating to the local issues were responded by the General Secretary, Shri. M. Chokkalingam. The existing Office bearers were nominated to continue to function in the respective posts and consequently there have been no changes in the present set up. The meeting then concluded with a vote of thanks presented by the General Secretary.
All Comments/correspondences may be addressed to karccemoa@gmail.com