Bangalore, the 11th August, 2011.
Dear Members,

It is quite sometime since the blog was updated while, the blog of the All India Association was being updated regularly over the developments on the various issues. After my elevation/appointment as the Assistant Secretary General of the All India Association I was pre-occupied with the Departmental Anomaly committee Meetings and other related common issues, like cadre restructuring, AO/DOS Grade Pay, CAO promotions, that are being pursued by the All India Association.

Due to this, and the fact that some of our Office bearers are either transferred out of the zone or are posted away from the Headquarters, the functioning of the Association had been affected to a certain extent, but that does not mean that the Association has become non-functional. In this regard, kind attention is invited to my previous message under which the points to be raised in the JCM was placed apart from convening of a meeting of the Members in June-2011. Recently, all the DDOs have been requested to furnish the DDO certificates, after effecting recovery for the remaining part of the Calendar Year, which is required for onward submission to the All India Association for seeking renewal of the recognition of the Association. 

Further, the recent developments that took place in the zone are as under:- 

1. The review of TA to STA promotions have been completed and orders issued on 08.08.2011. Copy of the order is yet to be uploaded on the departmental website. Members may view/access/download the order by clicking here..

2. It is learnt that the preparatory work relating to the DPC for promotion from STA to Inspector is in progress. The call letter regarding Physical test/interview, is expected to be issued shortly. The same will be made known to the Members as and when the information is available.

3. As you all are aware, the Association had requested the Commissioner, Bangalore-I, to convene the JCM to enable discussion of the pending points. On consideration of the same, the Chief Commissioner has directed that all the Commissionerates shall hold separate JCMs at the level of Commissioner and the JCM for the cadre control commissionerate i.e., Bangalore -I will be headed by the Chief Commissioner. The points for discussion are to be submitted once again to the Cadre controlling authority and the respective commissioners, which will be done shortly.  Members are requested to send their grievances/points which are required to be taken up with the Administration/respective commissionerates.

4. In the meantime, I had also participated in the meeting convened by the Hon'ble Chairman, CBEC on the 12th July, 2011, to discuss various outstading issues pertaining to the Department. copy of the minutes issued by the Board is placed below.

5. The copy of the Minutes of the Departmental Anomaly Committee meeting held on 05.04.2011 is received placed below for information.

Awaiting your responses, I remain.

Yours Sincerely,

General Secretary

All Comments/correspondences may be addressed to karccemoa@gmail.com/ chokkalingamrmn@gmail.com.


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