Bangalore the 13th September, 2012
Dear Members,

            Notice is hereby issued to hold the General Body meeting of this Association on the 21st of September, 2012 at the Conference Hall, (Ground Floor), C.R.Buildings, Queens Road, Bangalore.

            As you are all aware, the existing office bearers are holding the posts on extended tenure and new/regular office bearers are required to be elected/ nominated. Due to the transfer/promotion to a few office bearers certain posts which they were holding fell vacant, which is also required to be filled up. Members who are willing to take up any post in the Association are requested to communicate their willingness to the undersigned in Advance.

All the members are requested to kindly participate in the meeting and make it a grand success.

Looking forward to your enthusiastic response, I remain.

Yours sincerely,

All Members,
All office bearers of the Association.

Please click here for a signed copy of the notice.

All Comments/correspondences may be addressed to


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