The Annual General Body Meeting of the Karnataka Customs, Central Excise, Service Tax and LTU Ministerial Officers’ Association was held on 21.09.2012. Smt. T.V. Rajalakshmi, President of the Association presided over the meeting and welcomed the gathering.

2.        In her welcome Address, the President highlighted the various issues that were taken up by the leaders of the Association and the outcome of such efforts with the Administration at local level during the course of the last one Year. The Association’s position vis-à-vis the other pending issues related to the cadre was also explained. Thereafter, Shri. U. Manjunath Holla, Treasurer of the Association presented the Audited statement of Accounts.

3.        Shri. M.Chokkalingam, the General Secretary who has stepped down from the post, consequent upon his promotion as Inspector also addressed the House. He stressed the need for the Members to stay united in the wake of the depleting numbers in the working strength of Ministerial cadre. He stated that most of the issues pertaining to the local level have been addressed and as on date nothing serious remains to be resolved. He thanked all the office bearers/Members for their continued support/ co-operation during his tenure as the General Secretary. He also apprised the Members of the current status on various pending demands and the developments at the All India level.

4.        It was stated that the Shri.Thomas Mony, Secretary General of the All India Association got promoted as Inspector and a new body has been formed in the convention held at Indore on 25.08.2012. Shri.J.Sudarshan, the ex-organising secretary has now been elected/ nominated as the Secretary General of the All India Association. The new team of office bearers had visited the New Delhi on the 18th and 19th of this month and had taken up all the pending issues before the senior officers at the Ministry/Board. Among other issues, the following were taken up:-

1.     Holding of DPCs to the grade of CAO
2.     Regularsiation of promotion to the grade of AO
3.     Upgradation of pay scales in the grade of AO/DOS/STA
4.     Revision/Amendment of Recruitment Rules
5.     Implementation of the order passed by the Hon’ble CAT, Kolkata
6.     Expedite the Hearing of Seniority case before the Apex Court

5.        It was also informed that the All India Association has given a call for an agitation under the aegis of the Joint Action Committee on the 26th September, 2012 and the Members were requested to participate in the agitation in large numbers and make it a grand success. Each of the constituent Associations will have their charter of demands apart from the common charter of demands of JAC.

6.        Since the tenure of the existing office bearers had expired, the House then proceeded to elect/ nominate the office bearers for the various posts. Smt. Prafulla Prakash, AO & Smt.A.Geetha Devanand, AO were requested to officiate as the presiding officers and oversee the election/ nomination proceedings.

7.        Thereafter, the House unanimously elected/nominated the following Members to the respective posts as the Office bearers of the Association.

1. President                                     - Shri.U.Manjunath Holla
2. Vice President                            - Smt.T.R.Saraswathi
3. General Secretary                     - Smt.T.V.Rajalakshmi
4. Jt. Secretary - Bangalore -I     - Shri.A.Kannan
5. Jt.Secretary - Bangalore -II     - Shri.T.Mylarappa
6. Jt.Secretary - Bangalore –III  - Shri.Kshitish Chandra Nayak
7. Jt.Secretary – Bangalore Cus. - Shri.Lokesh Kumar Gupta
8. Jt.Secretary - LTU                      - Smt.Sudha Bhaskar
8.        It was further decided that, in absence of any members from the other Commissionerates, the representatives of these Commissonerates shall be elected/nominated/co-opted in consultation with the members of the respective Commissionerates by the Central Executive Committee.
The meeting then concluded with a vote of thanks presented by the General Secretary.


All the Members.

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