Date:- 05.04.2010


Dear Members,

I am proud to inform you all that the Ministry has accorded recognition to the All India Asssociation, vide letter dated 04.03.2010 for a period of two Years. I am thankful for all your co-operation without which this could not have been achieved. There is still a lot of work to be done towards enrolment of members.

I had recently circulated the mail from the Secretary General, intimating about the invitation received by the Association for a meeting with the Director General, HRD, CBEC, New Delhi on 08.04.2010, regarding consultation on the proposals of Cadre restructuring. The Ministry had formed three study groups [Study Group -I for Exclusive Service Tax and Exclusive Central Excise Commissionerates, Study Group -II for Integrated Commissionerates and LTU Commissionerate, and Study Group -III for Exclusive Customs Commissioenrates] to study the requirement of manpower for reorganisation/cadre restructuring. The reports of all the three groups are now available on the website of DG, HRD on

As per the recommendations of the study groups, a total of 44 new commissionerates are to be formed [17 Service Tax, 3 Central Excise (after abolition of 4 existing comm'tes), 10 Integrated Commissionerates and 14 Customs Commissionerates. These are preliminary estimates which emerge from the reports of the three study groups. According to these estimates, Two Service Tax commissionerates, Two Customs Commissionerates and One Central Excise Commissioenrate has been proposed for Bangalore Zone (within Bangalore) in addition to the existing Commissionerates. The Good news ends here.

The hard bargain to retain the number of personnel begins. In this regard, the Secretary General has called for a meeting of the representatives of the regional units to be held at New Delhi on 07.04.2010, to deliberate upon the issue. I propose to attend the meeting, with due preparations.

I hope and wish that all our requests will be heard by the powers that be at the Highest level.

The outcome of the scheduled meetings, will be updated to you all, in due course.

With regards,

Yours Sincerely,
General Secretary

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